Friday 24 July 2009

The new breed of Muslim Kafirs

There is a new phenomenon, actually not new but something that existed in the times of the prophet himself. The emergence of a category of hypocrites, who call themselves Muslims. These are the ones who for all practical purposes are known to their entourage as Muslims but in reality they are the ones who don't profess any faith at all. Non Muslims who meet them think they are Muslims and they get confused as to why they don't find them any different from the non Muslims themselves.

These are the ones who don't pray at all and don't believe in the five pillars of Islam.Allah prevent us all from these perverts.


Thursday 23 April 2009

Dubious methods of missionaries

The Gospel Thumpers have strange strategy. They want to spread their perverted religion through activities that may seem innocuous to the people. This is what appeared recently on a Christian NGO's website writing upon Indonesian earthquakes.

...The Aceh people are strict Sunni Muslims and have been very instrumental in spreading Islam throughout Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia. It is often stated, "To be Aceh is to be Muslim." The Aceh people strongly and even violently oppose other religions. They are unreached with the gospel.

The Aceh province is the only province in Indonesia where Shari'a Islamic Law has been formally instituted. They also practice a mix of animistic beliefs and various superstitions. Banda Aceh is known as the "Doorway to Mecca" for Muslim pilgrims from Indonesia.

Normally, Banda Aceh is closed to foreigners and closed to the gospel. But, because of this catastrophe, our partners there are earning the right to be heard and providing entrance for the gospel.

We have a four fold strategy for Indonesia with our partners there:

Focusing on keeping children alive by....Providing housing and ongoing care for the 300 orphan children of Banda Aceh. Our partners tell us,"We do not want to just distribute help and leave. We are committed to bring help and hope to these children. We want them to know that Jesus loves them and plant Christian principles as early as possible in their age. To accomplish this means long-term commitment."

They need rent for housing the children, beds, cabinets, desks, food and water, children's workers ... we do not have time to place these children in our Child Sponsorship Program.

These children are homeless, destitute, traumatized, orphaned, with nowhere to go, nowhere to sleep and nothing to eat. If we can place them in a Christian children's home, their faith in Christ could become the foothold to reach the Aceh people.

We must raise $70,000 immediately to begin this children's home. Thankfully, $23,000 was raised over the weekend for this project so that leaves $47,000 that we must wire this week in order to place these children in a Christian home.

Time is of the essence. Their survival is at stake. We only have one week to let the government know that we will take these orphaned children and provide them with a Christian home ... please let me hear from you today.

Saturday 7 February 2009

I am a racist but I found ?

I have reverted back to ISLAM now...How can someone witnessing a criminal getting convicted for a serious crime like drug pedalling in my country which openly states its death penalty, be a reason for me changing my religion to Christianity? OK, I may have problems with the way certain judges get swayed by their high connections. This does not mean the problems are with Islam, the problem is with the system that does not allow the application of Islam in its true spirit. I hope you will like my decision and start pondering over reverting to Islam, the true faith, the Holy Father's last testament revealed to the Paraclete - Prophet Muhammad who is equal in divinity to Prophet Moses and Prophet Isa (Jesus) whom Muslims love much better than the Christians themselves. Love Allah, Love all the prophets and love peace loving humans.

Islam treats animals thus..Why do they kill humans?

The Extension of Islam's Universal Mercy to Animals

The universal mercy of Islam embraces not only human beings, whether unbelievers, People of the Book, orMuslims, but all other living creaof Allah as well. Accordingly, Islam prohibits cruelty to animals. Thirteen hundred years before any societies for the prevention of cruelty to animals were established, Islam had made kindness to animals a part of its faith and cruelty to them a sufficient reason for a person to be thrown into the Fire.

The Prophet (peace be on him) related to his Companions the story of a man who found a dog panting with thirst. The man went down into a well, filled his shoes with water which he gave to the dog, and continued to do so until the dog's thirst was quenched. The Prophet (peace be on him) said, 'Then Allah was grateful to him and forgave him his sins.' The Companions asked, 'Is there a reward for us in relation to animals, O Messenger of Allah?' He replied 'There is a reward in (relation to) every living creature.' (Reported by al-Bukhari.)

Respect for Allah's living creatures reached such an extent that when the Prophet (peace be on him) saw a donkey with a branded face, he denounced such a practice saying, "I would not brand an animal except on the part of its body farthest from its face." (Reported by Muslim.)
In another report, he passed by a donkey with a branded face and said, "Have you not heard that I have cursed anyone who brands an animal on its face or who hits it on its face?" (Reported by Abu Daoud and al-Tirmidhi.) Extension of Islam's Universal Mercy to Animals

Islam is against women but ?

I am not satisfied with Islam but?